Dearest Daddy,
Looking back to all the moments of our lives with you, we can’t be even more convinced that God knew exactly what we needed when he chose you to be our dad.
No, you aren’t like Mom, who comes with us in all school activities, and you are not the kind who’s vocal about what you feel towards us. You are different. Instead of accompanying us, you were out and away for work. You were thriving to earn a living and to provide for our needs. In you, we saw an unfathomable dedication, hard work, and care. Your influence and your calm yet strong presence has always been there- even if sometimes, it is intimidating.
Now that we are older, we understand you more. It’s clear to us that, behind the strong facade you showed, is a sweet loving father who only wishes to discipline and prepare us for the challenges of a tougher life outside our home. We now see your motives for all the things, and all those times, you said “no” to us. It was to set an example for us to have a better judgment on what’s good and bad, all for our wellbeing. We know deep inside that you have always been the warm-hearted, thoughtful, and nurturing father to us.

Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels
You are the one that has encouraged us to go for greater heights, to reach for the star. You prepared us to be someone with a greater purpose, someone you are always proud of. Thank you daddy, for allowing us to make our own stories - for letting us be and for giving us the freedom to establish our authentic selves. Your ceaseless encouragement and trust in our boundless potential empower us every single day.
If it wasn’t for the piece of you that’s imparted to us, we wouldn’t be who we are now. Everything that we are and of all the things we have done, because of your wits, strength, and conviction. If it wasn’t because of you, we know for sure that our lives wouldn’t be as amazing as it is now. Your constant love and guidance are our vessels to reach where we are in our lives today. We are so proud to be raised by a responsible man like you are.
We hope you know how happy and blessed we are to be able to call you our father. You are our number one believer and our ultimate inspiration in this lifetime. We are incredibly lucky to have you. We may not always tell you this but thank you so much daddy - for all the sacrifices you made and the lessons you taught us.
This Father’s Day celebration is not enough to give you the honor you deserve but, let this day be a reminder that you are appreciated and loved.
Happy Father’s Day, daddy. We celebrate you today and in the more days to come. We love you.
With love,
Your Never-too-old Children
Lessandra Blog is a compilation of lifestyle and home-related articles. See another article dedicated for parents in 5 Questions: Words from Mothers. If you are a parent looking for creative activities with your children, read 16 Fun At-Home Family Activities to Try. For home tips and other home-related articles, visit Lessandra Home Design section.